Torch your teen to respect law and authority

Posted by The Open Page | 12th November 2017

Torch your teen to respect law and authority
When children understand the purpose of law and authority, they learn to respect it .So, how parents can help their child to honour  and respect law and authority which is necessary to know to live in a  civil society?
As the young children grow older, It become necessary that  they learn  to respect law and authority. Now in  days of rebellions and protests, it is very common belief among growing youth   to feel that there is no harm in disobeying the law. But, as a parent it is your duty to  make your children aware that  disobeying the law can land them in trouble.
 ways in which you can teach children to respect law and authority.
1. illustrate the reason  of obeying the laws
Illustrate to your teenagers  why it is necessary for them to obey the law in their daily lives. Explain  them how laws ensure the larger good of the society and the well-being of individuals. Point out with examples  to them the consequences of breaking laws. Reasoning  will make them understand the role played by laws is to make discipline  in the society.
2.Teach them correct principles.  Living together in a community requires a commitment to 
    the rule of law.
 What it means to live in society, that laws are made not on a desire  but by our need of the society. We  elect representatives after careful deliberation.  We see ,even  laws like speed limits are set after careful analysis and engineering review , more complex laws have even more made after deeper  consideration and observant made with eagle eyed. So following  the law is part of what it takes for people to live successfully in a community
2. Be a role model
Children observe to what extent you obey and respect laws in your daily life. Your attitude towards law and authority demonstrate an important role in determining how your children perceive it.
It is not wrong in debating about laws that may not fulfill their objectives, but your criticism should be constructive. Otherwise, it may end up getting the wrong message .
3.Ensure  them to obey discipline at home. 
 Guiding  for law and authority starts early with how parents give the environment at home. When the family has its own culture  and tradition  rule, expectation  is there to follow it. If you find  home  rule are  false, you can talk together as a family to examine it and potentially change it.  
So make sure that to ensure that they follow the rules you have set for them at home. The rules at home will make them accustomed to following the rules of the larger society. Similarly, you need to play an active part in ensuring that they diligently follow rules of school such as being punctual, wearing proper uniforms, following exam hall etiquette, and so on. When you go at public place, May  it be  a  bus ,a hotel, a bank a hospital , park or the library, teach them to abide by the rules in these places.
4. Stick for right way
Teach children to stick to  values and to protest  for what they think is right. But, at the same time ,it is important  to explain to protest for right way.. without resorting to acts , could damage public property. Encourage them to go for  the right channel  ,officially asking them to address their grievances and follow-up to make sure they take action.
5. Create opportunities for positive interaction with authority figures.  
Arrange opportunities for your children to interact  officials who enforce the law. Like , you can have  a visit to the nearby police station where your children can spend some time with an officer who is willing to talk to them about the importance of laws. 
Point out the good things that incharge officers  take steps to prevent the traffic accidents, renders services anytime ,Many emergency services are introduced .  The more they can see authority personalities  in a positive zone, the more  they will prepare themselves to handle  difficult situation with respect and courage. This will also help them understand the seriousness  of the work done by these officials.
Learning to respect law and authority will help your children adjust easily and well in the society when they grow up. So, make sure you that you start laying strong foundations early on. 
Change takes place, as we work hardly  to encourage it, and our children will be better citizens as we treat authority figures with respect and as we teach them the importance of respect in a civil society.

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