“Challenges are an opportunity to test you and rise to the next level”
In my nature is there to know and to experience something new and go for discovery, I I like to challenge myself and keep interest to learn therefore I I like to try new things and keep myself growing.
And its reality that when you least expect and wants easy and smooth life ,It sets a challenge to test your courage and willingness at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet prepared you have to face it.. The challenge will not wait.
I have realized; it is during the times I am far outside my element that I experience myself the most. That I see and feel who I really am, the most! I think that's what a comet is like, you see, a comet is born in the outer realms of the universe! But it's only when it ventures too close to our sun or to other stars that it releases the blazing "tail" behind it and shoots brazen through the heavens! And meteors become sucked into our atmosphere before they burst like firecrackers and realize that they're shooting stars! That's why I enjoy taking myself out of my own element, my own comfort zone, and hurling myself out into the unknown. Because it's during those scary moments, those unsure steps taken, that I am able to see that I'm like a comet hitting a new atmosphere: suddenly I illuminate magnificently and fire dusts begin to fall off of me! I discover a smile I didn't know I had, I uncover a feeling that I didn't know existed in me... I see myself. I'm a shooting star. A meteor shower. But I'm not going to die out. I guess I'm more like a comet then. I'm just going to keep on coming back.”
When we are born from that day to till last journey of our life every human being have to face the challenges. Just born child have to struggle beyond his capacity to adjust him of herself in unexposed atmosphere, have to learn by own for feeding etc, .So dear readers would like to say every moment of the life is full of challenges and we should not scared of facing it we should try to find the way to come out of it . I know, it hard to face challenges. Many people try to avoid challenges and setbacks, But at least ,if your face it , you will know to develop confidence in you and will be prepared mentally to find the way, otherwise it is not that every time you can avoid all the challenges in life, so why not to face them now and learn new way to live the life too.
Here would like to through light on ,how you can overcome with challenges and setbacks that your are facing. But before that we should why we face the challenges? In context to that I would say that It is very important to know that challenges are necessary for your growth because if you want your development and growth you need to go for different path. Remember challenges polish your talents and improve your skills. The gives you strength and helps you to become successful individuals in the field in which you are involved. One more thing challenges helps you to discover who really you are and how you behave in adversities. When you are successful, you feel confident, but it is the times that makes you know how you truly are.
It is advisable for those to challenge yourself who want s to reach the mountain in one run. So in reaching your full potential will give you growth and line of success. But for that you need to set goals
In such a manner which can lead you to go wild with creative and imagination but these goals should influence your motivation in height. Though these may be achieved goals, but don’t make them simple. Your challenge should be bit difficult so that your skills should be in practice. It is better to divide a big goal into small- small goals for simplicity.
Few points how to overcome with your challenges:
1. Need to understand the problem properly: See that when your are working and trying to overcome with a problem which is not too easy, then first understand the problem clearly this will help you to focus your thoughts to get the proper solution.
2. Find out your strengths and resources: It could may help you to achieve your goals. Make a list of possible resources. It could be material like laptop, money, transportation, cell phone, magazines ,diary etc., which can help you out to solve your problem, May you can start with your available resources and later on you can arrange the required things taking base on the available things. Personal skills and strength are the important resources which a person holds, It can give you instant help to succeed yourself.
3. Make motivation your biggest strength: If people surrounding you are negative person and non- supportive the it becomes hard to succeed. But remember that your motivation is the biggest support of yours and keep up yourself motivated every now and then.
4. Plan yourself to the root to achieve your goal: Proper strategy you need to plan , for that think hard ,decide right plan and map and properly execute it in correct manner and timely. Note that successful person have tried and failed but these failure teaches a one lesson ahead and step by step it becomes stepping stones for success. Scientist Einstein is a big example of not to lose the hope and don’t stop chasing your success until you get it.
5. Execution of your strategy : You need skill, intelligence and creativity to executive your strategy as it should be done with determination and effort and make it sure that you try your best to get the desired result, even if not then it does not mean you should be disheartened. Again make a new plan with your confidence and try that the lacking which made you failure should not be repeated next time.
As there could be main two reasons which made you failure, either your strategy was not proper or you did not executed it well. Don’t let your motivation down ,find out the causes and rectify by eliminate the problem accordingly and try again with your full confidence to get success.
Therefore, the brain needs to be regularly challenged in order to attain its uttermost performance. Hence be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.