Posted by The Open Page | 15th May 2018

Dear YOU (family member),
I hope that this article sees you in the best of yourselves. I remember the days we spent during our childhood, adolescence and growing young. I sincerely hope we get back those days where we would have time and value the togetherness of the memorable moments. We always dream to have the same family affair a more interactive and connected one, which has become extremely limited these days. The educational, occupational etc have given roots to stand alone families fostering the values but distant. The warmth limited for a set vacationing period. 
See you soon. Do share your trip details as and when planned so that we could meet each other.
I have been missing the old crop of our family culture.
Always yours,
(family member)
The National Concern
The National Family Council embarked on a Family Values Survey to find out if 5 core family values (outlined in 1993) were still cherished by families. 
(a) Love, care and Concern 
(b) Communication
(c) Filial Responsibility 
(d) Mutual Respect 
(e) Commitment
The Background
The Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) supports the worldwide observance of the International Day of Families (15 May) by organizing an official international observance of the Day at UN Headquarters in New York focusing on topics relevant to the UN Development Agenda. Background information on families and a selected topic is prepared for the use by Governments, the UN system, including the regional commissions, and UN Information Centers and NGOs. An annual message of the Secretary-General is prepared for wide distribution.
The International Day by Year and Theme
2018: “Families and inclusive societies”
2017: “Families, education and well-being”
2016: “Families, healthy lives and sustainable future”
2015: ”Men in charge? Gender equality and children’s rights in contemporary families”
2014: ”Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals; International Year of the Family + 20”
2013: Advancing Social Integration and Intergenerational Solidarity
2012: “Ensuring Work-Family Balance”
2011: “Confronting Family Poverty and Social Exclusion”
2010: “The impact of migration on families around the world”
2009: “Mothers and Families: Challenges in a Changing World”
2008: “Fathers and Families: Responsibilities and Challenges”
2007: “Families and Persons with Disabilities”
2006: “Changing Families: Challenges and Opportunities”
2005: “HIV/AIDS and Family Well-being”
2004: “The Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family: A Framework for Action”
2003: “Preparations for the observance of the Tenth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2004”
2002: “Families and Ageing: Opportunities and Challenges”
2001: “Families and Volunteers: Building Social Cohesion”
2000: “Families: Agents and Beneficiaries of Development”
1999: “Families for all ages”
1998: “Families: Educators and Providers of Human Rights”
1997: “Building Families Based on Partnership”
1996: “Families: First Victims of Poverty and Homelessness”
The Latest Theme : 2017 Theme: “Families, education and well-being”
The International Day of Families is observed on the 15th of May every year. The last year’s observance focuses on the role of families and family-oriented policies in promoting education and overall well-being of their members. In particular, the Day is to raise awareness of the role of families in promoting early childhood education and lifelong learning opportunities for children and youth.
The Day highlights the importance of all caregivers in families, be it parents, grandparents or siblings and the importance of parental education for the welfare of children. It focuses on good practices for work-family balance to assist parents in their educational and care giving roles. Good practices from the private sector in support of working parents, as well as youth and older persons in the workplace are also highlighted.
The Day also aims to discuss the importance of ‘knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development’
The Outcome 
All this to inculcate the feeling of 
Self esteem, discipline and acceptance amongst children
Develop values and strengthen family bonds
Happy living and cherishing moments
Positive vibes and sense of belongingness reinforced
Connecting family culture tree
One-on-one approach for that personalized learning development
One-on many approach for the societal responsibilities
Help balance, fighting odds and sharing success.
What a happy world is a family. 
Be Happy, Be a family

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