Posted by The Open Page | 23rd June 2017

Enthusiastic Greetings to all! We may have bit knowledge of Olympic Games and participation of players but not in depth. When we talk about Olympic games, we mean participation in inter-continental sports competition. It provides the opportunities to the participants to see others. It unites countries and continents. Sports participation is very effective vehicle to reach and realize the said goals for the betterment of human beings of the nations. 
Our International Olympic Committee has said “To encourage the development of Olympic Spirit among the youth of the world and promote a program of education for the public and the press on philosophy of amateurism, the national Olympic Committees will keep in mind not to concentrate too much on performance and new records, but more to social education aesthetic, ethical and spirituals value of amateur sports”

               The word ‘Sports’ was by no means a Greek invention. Despite the severe conditions (rigorous) of life at the Dawn of history, men found time to enjoy a variety of sports. These were valued as a means of developing hunting skill, of preparing for war and of pleasing the angry gods. However, the Greeks’ interest in sports apparently dates to the Bronze. Tumbling bull vaulting boxing, wrestling, archery and distance running were all popular spectacles (public displays or entertainment) in the ancient Minoan Civilization of Crete (3000 B.C—1200 B.C.). Building on this concept many of the Greek States began to organize major athletic festivals, the most famous being that held at Olympia, in honour of the God Zeus.“Strength and Beauty are the gifts of Zeus…. Natural gifts imply the duty of developing them with God’s help by Cost and Toil”.

                 Before the revival of Modern Olympic Games, the Educationists and other dignitaries of the developed countries began realizing the value of sport activities in one’s life and extending its contribution towards the international community. During this period, which is considered a link between the dim past and uncertain future of sport competition, a great theologian, Martin Luther observed that a strong body could help the mind in its quest for piety (Search for being pious). He also spoke about the recreative and moral values of sport. Educational theorists such as Da filter in Italy, Comenius in Czechoslovakia and McMaster in England stated the contribution that sport could make to the learning process, both by improving the physical health of the pupils, and by promoting the development of an integrated personality.

Dr.Namrata  Acharya
Assistant Professor
Government Commerce College,

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